How To For Parents and Students

This page will give directions for you to complete certain tasks. We will continue to update this page so that it can be a reference for parents and students throughout the year.

Here are some links you will need to make your school year successful:

Login to your Parent Portal and Complete the Forms Required for the New Year:

Directions for how to Create a Parent Portal: Create A Parent Portal Handout

Directions for Completing the Parent Bill of Rights: Bill of Rights Directions

Directions for Update the Parent Bill of Rights Choices: Updating the Bill of Rights Directions

Pay Student Fees, Purchase a Yearbook or Locker, or Make a Donation:

Sign Up/Register for a Pasco eSchool Class:

Complete Athletic Paperwork here:

Request the Parent/Guardian Dance Meeting:

Purchase Mustang Gear:

Apply for a Free/Reduced Lunch:

Apply to be a Volunteer:

Purchase a Mustang Legacy Brick:

Parking, Driving, Pick Up, Drop Off, Bicycles, and Fences at JWMHS Information:

Bell Schedules for the 2022-2023 School Year:

Security Policies and Procedures and Fan Expectations: