Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Please read our Highlights from the Weekly School Messenger Call for the Week of October 10th!

I hope that everyone had a great Homecoming Week!

Now, back to reality! The first quarter of the school year ends this week and I challenge you to finish #MustangSTRONG.

Congratulations to Mustang Volleyball who is undefeated this season, as well as Girls Mustang Golf who is 8-1! Way to go Girls Mustang Cross Country who placed 3rd out of 24 teams and Boys Mustang Cross Country who placed 13th out of 25 teams at the Land o’ Lakes HS Invitational!

Best wishes to all of our athletes and our FBLA students at their competition this weekend, as well as the Marching Mustangs! We are so proud of you!

Mrs. Chamberlin will host one last College Application Help session tomorrow, Monday, October 11th at 3PM in the Media Center. Visit our website to enroll now!

September and October is Hispanic Heritage Month. During RANCH we are viewing different videos that celebrate the Hispanic culture and the contribution of Hispanic Americans to our great nation!

October is also Mental Health Awareness Month and we will be viewing different videos in RANCH regarding mental health and what students need to do if they need assistance.

Our JWMHS Gallup is available for our students now. We will be reviewing how to complete the Gallup and why we take the Gallup each year. Thank you for your participation as it will assist us with making decisions at our school.

If you have an eSchool placeholder, on campus or off campus, please sign up for your classes as soon as possible. Directions can be found on our website. All students must have SIX (6) classes in order to be considered a full-time student. Please be actively working in your classes so you can complete them on time.

For those 11th and 12th graders who have not met graduation requirements for Reading or Algebra 1, we will be holding the in-school SAT on Wednesday, October 13th. See your counselor or Mrs. Fillmore for more information.

Freshmen! Please make sure that you order your FREE MustangU Class of 2025 t-shirt by visiting this link: Enter your code:  jwfresh21 to get your shirt and it will be delivered directly to the school. It has been updated and opened and does work.

Please make sure that you can pass the Covid-19 screener (Student Covid-19 Screener) each morning that is found on our website. If you cannot, please stay home. If you are positive for Covid-19 or have been exposed to someone who is positive for Covid-19, please stay home and contact your administrator so that we can help you with your school work.

Please read our JWMHS Electronic Newsletter, Around the RANCH. You can find it here: and we will be putting a lot of information in this newsletter that can assist you throughout the year.

The best way to be successful at JWMHS is to listen to the things we say and read the information that we put out. We communicate in a variety of ways and ask that you make sure that you are paying attention and following us on social media.

We want to remind you that you need to respect each other and just be nice. Calling each other names, posting negative things online, and acting inappropriately towards each other is uncalled for and unnecessary. Again, just be nice. And if you can’t find something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.

Parents, allegedly the next TikTok Challenge is a Slap a Staff Member in the Backside Month. I highly recommend that students not participate in this as this is considered battery and a felony and will not end well. Please speak with your child about behaving appropriately.

We hope you have a great evening! Thank you for reading!