Here are the highlights from our School Messenger Call for the Week of April 3rd!

This week is National Assistant Principals Week! JWMHS is fortunate to have the best assistant principals in the county! I would like to thank each of them for their hard work and diligence in helping our Mustangs! Thank you, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Cortier, Mr. Quina, and Mrs. Tricozzi!

Thank you to our Social Studies Department for the History Fair that we held on Friday! Truly a historic event!

We are having construction done at JWMHS with fencing still being put up. Please be mindful of this as you walk around campus. As soon as the fencing is finished we will have more information.

We know that the recent announcement regarding bus rides next year is concerning. Please know that we will work with our District Office and each of our families as we work through this. JWMHS does not make this decision, but it is based on the budget Pasco County receives from the State of Florida and staffing issues with the Transportation Department. This is not a decision that was made in haste, but one that will assist with the challenges we are facing.

Parents, we need your help reminding students that they need to pick up after themselves in the cafeteria and on the patio. We have had to close the patio because it has been littered with an excessive amount of trash. We are going to open up the patio on Tuesday and see how it goes. If there is trash left, we will close it again immediately. Please help us to keep JWMHS clean.

Congratulations to our NJROTC who placed 15th in the nation this weekend!

Congratulations to our Boys #MustangWeightlifting who finished 4th at Districts and have 5 student-athletes moving on to Regionals!

If you are interested in running for Student Council for next year, applications will be available until April 7th and must be turned in to Mrs. Besack by 4/8 at 830AM. If you are a HOSA member or HOSA Officer, please see Mrs. Besack regarding important information if you intend to run. Campaigning will be from April 8th to 14th and voting online will take place on April 14th.

Senior families should have received a letter this week regarding the graduation ceremony to be held on June 11th at 6PM. Please make sure that you read it as there is a lot of important information in this letter, including dates and deadlines that we have reviewed previously.

The Senior Graduation Fee is $100 and can be paid on Rycor/Student Pay. This graduation fee is due on May 25th.

Seniors, please start looking around your house, room, and car for items that belong to JWMHS and return them to school to avoid being on the debt list.

For those attending Grad Bash, permission slips are due on Thursday, April 7th. Please make sure that you arrive at the Orange Building on Friday, April 8th at 315PM. Moving your car to the Orange Parking Lot is ideal. Make sure that you are in dress code and that you do not have any food and drink items that are not pre-sealed.

If you are interested in Dual Enrollment for Summer Term, there are important deadlines and steps to be completed. Students should review their registration worksheets with school counselors for approval. After receiving approval, parents and students will need to complete online terms and conditions and enter course requests. Students will also need to make sure that they have completed the Online Student Orientation course in their myPHSC Canvas account. In order to guarantee registration times, students and parents must meet these expectations by April 1st on the dynamic form. This form will be active on March 28th so prioritize completing these tasks and see Mrs. Cortier for more information.

As a reminder, all tickets for sporting events must be purchased via GoFan ( and we will not accept paper tickets or screenshots. The ticket must be on your mobile device.

If you have an eSchool placeholder, on campus or off campus, you need to work on those classes on a regular basis. Do not procrastinate as second semester flies by and Seniors will need to have them finished by the end of April if they intend to participate in graduation!

Parking on campus is a privilege and you must have a hangtag and spot to park on campus. Applying for a spot does not guarantee parking. In fact, there is a currently a waiting list for those who want to park. We know that many of you  received cars over the holiday, and you must have a hangtag to park on campus. This means you must apply to park. If you have not applied, you will not be on the waiting list if a spot opens. Please follow our rules.

Please make sure that you can pass the Covid-19 screener (Student Covid-19 Screener) each morning that is found on our website. If you cannot, please stay home. If you are positive for Covid-19 or have been exposed to someone who is positive for Covid-19, please stay home and contact your administrator so that we can help you with your school work.

We will not have an Around the Ranch newsletter this week! Please visit our website and social media to continue to keep up with all of the things going on at JWMHS.

Let’s make more excellence this week in Mustang Nation!

We hope you have a great evening! Thank you for reading!

Go Mustangs!
~ Ms. Schultz

Giving to JWMHS

We would truly appreciate any support that you can provide to JWMHS. No amount is too small or too big for our organizations. We are also selling banners that will hang throughout campus. If you are interested in purchasing a banner, please call (727) 774-9202 and we can assist you. And, here are some links to donate on Tuesday. We thank you for your support!

JWMHS Donations – Create an account or use your Pasco account and then scroll down to find the 21-22 JWMHS donation buttons. Organizations such as Band, Orchestra, Scholarships, Athletics, Student & Faculty Incentives, and many more are available.

Baseball Stadium Safety Fundraiser – This fundraiser will go to replacing the backstop fencing so that it is safe for fans when there are foul balls, as well as removing roots that have grown onto the field and replacing it with a warning track. It will also assist with upgrading the facility.

Mustang Legacy Bricks – Celebrate the traditions and legacy of JWMHS by purchasing a piece of history. All funds for purchasing a Mustang Legacy Brick will be used for campus improvements, classroom activities, and other school priorities. And, your name will be a permanent part of our campus!

Again, thank you for your support of JWMHS and our students, faculty, and organizations. Go Mustangs!