J W Mitchell High School Athletic Discipline Policy

Click here to download the J W Mitchell Athletic Discipline Policy

County policy (This can be found in the student handbook/planner)

A. Arrest for misdemeanor – A minimum of 4 weeks suspended from athletic activities.

B. Arrest for felony – A minimum of 9 weeks suspended from athletic activities.

C. If charges are dropped, so are the suspensions.

II. Athletic policy (This is in addition to any OSS served and after due process. All policies are for the career of the athlete.)

 A. Possession or Use of Alcohol:

1. 1st offense: 9-week suspension (One-Quarter). Or 3-week suspension with completion of the TOOLS Program.

2. 2nd offense: 18-week suspension from the time games begin.

3. 3rd offense: Permanently eliminated from athletic eligibility. A committee consisting of Administrator and Coaches will hear appeals.

B. Use of Drugs: This plan would be for the career of the student-athlete.

1. 1st offense: 18-week suspension (One-Semester). Or 9-week suspension with completion of the TOOLS Program.

2. 2nd offense: Permanently eliminated from athletic eligibility. A committee consisting of Administrator and Coaches will hear appeals.

C. Use of tobacco: This plan would be for the career of the student-athlete.

1. 1st offense: 1-week suspension from games.

2. Habitual use could result in dismissal from the team and/or athletic eligibility.

D. Knowledge of any of the above items in the athletic policy should be addressed with the parents, which may lead to suspensions or dismissal from the        team.


III. Team policies

 A. Athletes that do not attend all periods of the day, without prior administration approval, are not allowed to participate in after school activities. Athletes that participate anyway will be suspended from the next event. The coach can contact the Athletic Director to determine eligibility.

B. An athlete receiving OSS is not allowed to participate in after school activities on the day/days they are serving their disciplinary consequences. Athletes that participate anyway will be suspended from the next event.

C. In addition to intervention on the student discipline referral, a coach has the authority to suspend the athlete from participating in practices or competitions.

D. Athletes removed from teams, for any reason (this includes quitting), are not allowed to go out for any other sport until the sport they were removed from is completed.

E. Habitual referrals or a serious breach of the student code of conduct will result in suspension from athletic participation. The amount of time will be based on the nature of the infraction. This will be determined by the School’s Administration, the Athletic Director and the Coach.

F. Athletes receivng unsportsmanlike conduct penalties from the FHSAA will be required to serve the suspension decided by the State and pay the fine in full prior to returning to any JWMHS team. These fines are determined by the level of suspension. Students can be removed from the team as a result of an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty at the Principal’s discretion.

G. Coaches may implement team rules in addition to the school policies listed above. These team rules will be discussed with student athletes and parents before the season starts