Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Please make sure that you are familiar with the JWMHS Dress Phone Policy. This will be enforced and there will be disciplinary consequences.

  • Students must wear clothing that has fabric in the front, back and on the sides (under the arms)
  • Shirts and dresses must have fabric in the front, back and on the sides (under the arms)
  • Shirts must have straps and extend to the waist
  • Clothing must cover undergarments (this includes straps and waistbands)
  • Fabric covering chests, genitals and buttocks must be opaque and cannot be see through
  • Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, wood shop and other activities where unique hazards exists
  • Students must wear shoes.
  • Hats or head coverings may be worn, but if a student is asked that it be removed, students must comply (unless preapproved administratively for medical, religious reasons and/or for special school activities)
  • Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear

Download a copy here: 23-24 Dress Code Policy