Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Dear Parents and Students,

We are very excited to have you go to Grad Bash on Friday! As a reminder, there are expectations that you must following prior to and during the event. Please make sure that you read all of this completely as we will hold you to it.

  • Students need to arrive at the Orange Building on Friday by 3:20PM ready to go.
  • Students need to enter the Orange Building by Room 335 (the end of the building by the Red Car Loop).
  • All students will be searched by a JWMHS administrator PRIOR to entering the bus. Any belongings (bags, lunchboxes, back packs, etc.) will also be searched.
  • Students and/or parents are not allowed to drive themselves/their children to this event. All students are REQUIRED to ride a bus provided by JWMHS to and from Grad Bash. Any student who is late will not be able to attend the event.
  • All food must be pre-packaged and sealed and no food can be homemade or from a drive-thru (Chic-Fil-A, McDonald’s, etc.) or deli (Publix, Subway, etc.). Beverages must be in unopened cans or bottles with the caps unopened PRIOR to entering the bus. Do NOT bring drinks in cups (Starbucks McDonald’s, Panera, etc.) or open containers (water bottle top seal broken, etc.), as they WILL be thrown away.
  • All students must comply with all school and Code of Conduct dress code requirements. Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure and the Grad Bash Event Staff reserve the right to refuse entry into the event for non-compliance of the dress code. Please follow the guidelines:

You can download them here:

What to Wear: OK to Wear to Grad Bash

What Not to Wear: Not to Wear to Grad Bash

  • Upon arrival at the park, all students will be searched by Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure Security upon arrival at the park. All questionable items will be confiscated by Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure Security.
  • Acceptable items allowed in the park include: fanny packs, bags smaller than 8.5 inches by 5.5 inches, chap-stick or lip gloss, make-up, compacts, stick or gel deodorant, contact solution (less than 4 oz. bottle), eye drops (less than 4 oz. bottle), hand sanitizer (less than 4 oz. bottle)
  • Unacceptable items not allowed in the park include: backpacks of any size, type, or style (may be stored on the bus), all food and fluids (may be stored on the bus), all candy gum, mints, or chips, etc. (may be stored on the bus), markers, pens, pencils, laser pointers, and aerosol cans (may be stored on the bus). Non-prescription medication is also not allowed (aspirin, vitamins, etc.).
  • Medicine: After it has been checked by our School Nurse asthma inhalers and/or EPI pens (with completed medical form given to JWMHS Administrator) are allowed to be carried in the park. Prescription medication (with completed medical form given to JWMHS Administrator), insulin/syringes (with completed medical form given to JWMHS Administrator) will  need to be inspected by JWMHS Administrator and at the nurse’s station at Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure and given by the School Nurse.
  • This event is a tobacco-free activity. The use of tobacco products is NOT permitted prior to, during, or after the event. This includes VAPES and all VAPING materials whether you are 18 or not. Students should not be in possession of any paraphernalia that is tobacco related.
  • This event is an alcohol-free activity. The use of alcohol is NOT permitted prior to, during, or after the event. Students should not be in possession of any paraphernalia that is alcohol related. A student found under the influence of alcohol at any point is subject to disciplinary and legal action.
  • This event is a drug-free activity. The use of drugs is NOT permitted prior to, during, or after the event. Students should not be in possession of any paraphernalia that is drug related. A student found under the influence of drugs at any point is subject to disciplinary and legal action.
  • Students are not allowed to leave Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure prior to the event’s scheduled ending time as determined by Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure.
  • The student will be removed from the premises with NO REFUND if it is determined the student is in violation of any Pasco County Student Code of Conduct or Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure expectations, including but not limited to improper conduct, violations of rules, and/or refusal to comply with requests from Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure staff and security, JWMHS chaperones, other school chaperones, or JWMHS administration.
  • The student MUST be picked-up from Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure by a parent if it is determined that the student is in violation of the Pasco County Student Code of Conduct or Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure expectation of behavior.
  • The student will be assigned a disciplinary consequence if it is determined the student is in violation of the Pasco County Student Code of Conduct or Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure expectation. This can include suspension, recommendation for expulsion, arrest, and/or denial of participation in the graduation ceremony.

Thank you for your attention to this email! We look forward to a successful and fun trip!

Go Mustangs!

~ Ms. Schultz