District School Board of Pasco County Dress Code for Students

In order to promote an orderly learning environment in our schools while preparing all students for later success in the world of work, the District School Board of Pasco County has established the following guidelines for student dress:

  • Students shall wear modest clothing of such style and design as shall be consistent with community standards as determined by the school principal or designee.  Refer to specific guidelines distributed by the school.  Sexually implicit or explicit clothing, bikini and tank tops, and spandex clothing (kinds of clothing usually worn at beaches and while engaging in recreation activities), are not appropriate wearing apparel for school or school functions.
  • Students may wear shorts and skirts as long as they no more than 4” above the knee.
  • Blouses, shirts, and sweaters cannot dip below a line formed between the right and left armpit.   Muscle shirts and tank tops are not permitted.  Spaghetti straps and strapless tops are not acceptable.  Tops must be long enough to clearly overlap the belt line or stay tucked in during the course of normal movement throughout the school day.
  • Students shall keep their clothes, bodies, and hair clean and well groomed.
  • Students shall not wear hats or head coverings on the school campus during the regular school day unless previously approved for medical or religious reasons or special school activities as determined by the principal or designee.
  • Students shall wear shoes for foot protection and hygienic reasons while on school grounds or on school transportation.  Slippers are not acceptable.
  • Decorations, symbols, mottos, or designs imprinted or attached to the body, clothing, accessories or student vehicle which contain profanity in any form, violent images, are considered vulgar, offensive to good taste or the maintenance of decorum, or which contain sexually suggestive words, phrases or images, advertise tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or which identify them as members of secret antisocial groups or gangs, or which cause an inherent risk of substantial disruption to the educational program, shall not be worn to school or school functions.  Offensive designs imprinted on the body must be covered.
  • Jewelry shall be worn in a way that does not present a safety or health hazard or cause a major disruption to the educational process.
  • Wallet chains or dog collars shall not be permitted.
  • The principal, or designee, shall determine the appropriateness of dress and appearance in accordance with the guidelines distributed by the school.  The principal, or designee, will make the decision if a student’s appearance meets school and community standards.  The principal’s decision on the appropriateness of dress is final.
  • If issued, student must be in possession of school badges during all school activities and must present the badge to school officials upon request.
  • While on any District School Board of Pasco County schools or campus, at any school function or on any school sponsored transportation, students are prohibited from wearing clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner or that disrupts the orderly learning environment.  Students’ clothing shall be worn appropriately with no abdomen skin or underwear exposed.

Violations of this provision of the dress code will result in consequences as defined by F.S. 1006.07(2)(d1) and F.S. 1006.07(2)(d2), as follows:

  • For a first offense, the student shall be given a verbal warning and the school principal or designee shall call the student’s parent or guardian.
  • For a second offense, the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for a period of time not to exceed 5 days and the school principal shall meet with the student’s parent or guardian.
  • For a third or subsequent offense, the student shall receive an in-school suspension for a period not to exceed 3 days, the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for a period not to exceed 30 days, and the school principal shall call the student’s parent or guardian and send the parent or guardian a written letter regarding the student’s in-school suspension and ineligibility to participate in extracurricular activities.

(F.S. 1006.07, 1003.01)

Special Note:  A student in violation of the dress code will be required to change into appropriate clothing before returning to class.  If necessary, the student will contact parents to provide the appropriate clothing.  Failure to do so will result in a discipline referral.  Repeated violations of the dress code will result in appropriate consequences.

This information is also found in the student online planner within Canvas.