Dual Enrollment PERT Testing at JWMHS, Monday, Oct 21st

Dual Enrollment PERT Testing at JWMHS, Monday, Oct 21st

This form is to be completed by any current JWMHS student (with a minimum 3.0 unweighted GPA) who needs to take the PERT test to determine Dual Enrollment eligibility (unless students already have the appropriate ACT/SAT/CLT scores as outlined at https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/oll/page/dual-enrollment.) Students can check the scores the school currently has on file under Test History in their myStudent portal.

JWMHS students can also test at PHSC, but they must bring the full PERT score report to the JWMHS office (for Mrs. Cortier) no later than Oct 27th in order to be eligible for DE classes for the spring semester. (Note: students can only test at PHSC two times in their high school career).